Duong Van Sinh

Green Batteries Remake, Vietnam

  • Review   
    Regeneration Battery
    Author(s): Duong Van Sinh*

    Battery Regeneration Technology, a breakthrough innovation in the field of sustainable energy storage, offers a solution to revitalize and reuse depleted batteries. This technology presents a safe and environmentally friendly approach to restore the functionality of old batteries without the need for disassembly or the addition of chemicals. By connecting the batteries to the regeneration equipment, they undergo a rejuvenation process, resulting in batteries that perform like new. This research paper explores the benefits, challenges, and future directions of battery regeneration technology. It discusses the positive impact of this technology on the environment, including pollution reduction, resource conservation, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, it addresses the challenges faced during the research, such as limited access to old batteries and the need for greate.. Read More»

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8086037

    Abstract HTML PDF