Remote Data Back-up and Privacy Preserving Data Distribution in the Cloud: A Review


Author(s): Ruchira. H. Titare, Prof. Pravin Kulurkar

Cloud storage provides online storage where data is stored in form of virtualized pool that is usually hosted by third parties. In cloud computing, data generated in electronic form are huge in amount. To maintain this data efficiently, there is a necessity of reliable data recovery services. When the data is stored in remote server, we need to provide the security to maintain the integrity of the data. With cloud data services, it is commonplace for data to be not only stored in the cloud, but also shared across different users. Because of this, the integrity of cloud data is subject to uncertainty due to the hardware/software failures and human errors. To cater this, in this paper we propose a smart remote data backup technique using encryption and compression techniques. The objective of proposed techniques is twofold; first it help the users to collect and recover the files in case of the file deletion or if the cloud gets destroyed due to any reason and second is to preserve the privacy of any user during data distribution in cloud. We are using admin panel to preserve the privacy of the user. We are also providing encryption technique to provide security to the user’s data. The time related issues are also being solved by proposed techniques such that it will take minimum time for transmitting the file to remote cloud as file size is reduced by using the compression technique.