Private Cloud: By Means of Different Open Source Softwares


Author(s): Sarita Shankar Pol, Prof. Shyamrao V Gumaste

Cloud Computing technique allows us to access cloud services dynamically over internet when data is needed. Cloud is majorly divided into two types, private cloud and public cloud, hybrid cloud. This paper discusses about implementing a private cloud using open source softwares like eucalyptus, Maas/juju. This private cloud is capable of providing facilities to to the particular institute for private use for infrastructure(IaaS) and platform as a service(PaaS).Infrastructure includes memory storage, servers, virtualization, compute and network services and platform as a service(PaaS) includes operating system, middle-ware and runtime environment. The private cloud implementation is done using OpenStack, Eucalyptus, MaaS/Juju which are freely available to use for the creation of private cloud.