An Attempt to Offer Advanced Browsing Structures and Positive Thinking with Lowered Cost for Casual User


Author(s): K.Chandra Sekar1 , Dr. R.Indra Gandhi2

The Web browser is used to run the software application that allows retrieving, presenting and travels the information from one place to another. It fetches the data like Web pages, images, videos or other piece of content from the server and displays it. Web Browser uses hyperlinks to display the property and let the users to navigate their browsers. It defines the application software that is designed for the user to access and retrieve the documents using the Internet. Resulting files typically saved with the text available in a same form store panel .It gives secure browsing to the users and it stores the browsing history by separately to every users. They can enter the username It gives video history option when the user needs to store their history as video. This is based on the user choice. It reduce the data cost when the user browsing on some of the video streaming. It allows the users to play multiple audio, video, image files and after end of the songs or videos it automatically plays next listed audio or video. image capture method is one of the modules in this browser; it gives users to take snapshot on the web pages to save the images as well as particular place of the web page. It provides two languages Tamil and English. The language changes will happens immediately after changing the language of the web browser.